Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

One Room, Two Options!

I just finished another design for a client and wanted to share! I did two different versions for the same room... one more modern and the other more traditional! The client decided that they liked the more traditional option better! You can see them both below!

The paint color is the boards background: Benjamin Moore Shale! One of my favorites! It works great with both grays and tans!  The headboards are surprisingly from HSN.com! We splurged on a few items while saving on others! The bedding is from West Elm (another fav!) The first option is more contemporary because of the colors and graphic patterns!  The second option has several gold touches which help give it both a traditional and updated look! 

Thats all for today!  :)

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Foto Markas Gerilya Jendral Sudirman desa Pakis Baru Pacitan


dapur markas gerilya jendral sudirman

dapur markas gerilya jendral sudirman

ruang tamu markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto denah markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto pejuang markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto tandu markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto perjuangan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto jendral sudirman markas gerilya jendral sudirman

foto tandu markas gerilya jendral sudirman

kamar jendral sudirman markas gerilya jendral sudirman

tampak depan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

kamas soepardjorustam markas gerilya jendral sudirman

kamar tjokropranolo markas gerilya jendral sudirman

kamar utoyo kolopaking markas gerilya jendral sudirman

markas gerilya jendral sudirman - rangka atap

markas gerilya jendral sudirman rangka atap 1

rute gerilya markas gerilya jendral sudirman

pintu kanan depan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

samping kanan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

depan kanan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

belakang kanan markas gerilya jendral sudirman

samping kiri markas gerilya jendral sudirman

My Favorite Fall Etsy Findings!

Its been a little while since Ive done an ETSY roundup so I thought I would share a few of my favorite fall things! I am a true believer that your fall decor doesn't have to be orange or red!  Sometimes its more about the texture of the item! I also like my decor to match my everyday decor I have in my house! Same goes for Christmas! So here are a few things, not necessarily orange but scream FALL to me! Love this time of year! 

Click on numbers to view item!
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Denah Masjid 10 x 10 m

Denah Sederhana Tata Ruang Masjid :
  • Area Imam
  • Ruang Utama
  • Ruang Penyimpanan
  • Tempat Wudlu Pria
  • Tempat Wudlu Wanita
  • Serambi Depan dan samping

Denah Rumah Ukuran 15 x 8 m dengan lahan memanjang

Membangun rumah pada lahan yang sempit memanjang merupakan hal yang membutuhkan perhatian extra, terpenuhinya kebutuhan ruang serta kebutuhan sirkulasi udara dan cahaya harus menjadi prioritas utama.
Kesulitan dalam membangun pada lahan sempit memanjang umumnya terjadi pada masalah pencahayaan dan sirkulasi udara dalam rumah.
Spesifikasi :
  • 1 kamar utama
  • 2 kamar tidur
  • Ruang tamu
  • Ruang keluarga
  • Dapur
  • 1 KM/WC  dalam
  • 1 KM/WC  luar
  • Garasi

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Becca & Aaron!

 I have been working with a friend on her house and wanted to share the boards Ive been working on for her! When I first pulled up, I saw orange lighted candlesticks in their windows and thought, "Oh no! How am I going to convince them they need to take those down!"  Luckily, I realized I had the wrong house! Whew!!! 

Her and her husband actually have any adorable house but just needed some direction on how to pull everything together!

They love pottery barn but based on my observation, also want some modern touches.  Here are their boards for the main living spaces.  Some items of which they already have and some being new things! 

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Denah Rumah Ukuran 10,5 m x 17 m dengan tanah uk. 13.5 m x 30 m

Kondisi tanah yang cukup untuk membangun sebuah rumah idaman belum cukup apa bila tidak disertai tata ruang dan lahan yang tepat baik untuk pembangunan secara bertahab maupun langsung jadi.
untuk denah tata ruang kali ini terdiri dari :
  1. Ruang tamu
  2. Ruang Keluarga
  3. Ruang makan
  4. Dapur
  5. Ruang tidur utama dan kamar mandi
  6. Ruang tidur anak 3 
  7. Musholla
  8. Teras depan, samping dan belakang
  9. Taman dalam
  10. Kamar mandi
Penataan ruang dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan serta adanya pencahayaan yang cukup bisa menjadi pilihan untuk membangun rumah idaman.
( untuk bentuk atap dan variasi teras depan bisa di ubah sesuai kebutuhan dan selera )

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Balancing design and kids!

I am not a mother yet BUT I understand that being an interior designer means finding a way for mothers to still have STYLE and a home that caters to their children! So for my young readers who are mothers, I have a few tips for you!  So many of you don't jump in to get help with design because you think you kids will destroy it ( I know exactly what your thinking..."They will!!) but let me share with you a few wonderful ways to build an elegant home that still works for them!

1.  Pair formal shaped furniture with tough, durable fabrics!

Rather than a loose piece of furniture, choose chairs that are "fully stuffed".  A wingback chair looks much more put together than a slipcovered plop-in type of chair! You can cover these wingback chairs in fabric that is completely durable for your kids! Find fabric that is dark, patterned or a tough natural material like linen or burlap that you can scrub! 
(I LOVE this room!!!!)

2. I am not a big leather fan but keep in mind, it is definitely a kid-friendly choice! Don't buy a whole set but one sofa or an armchair can work with any space! Leather looks better with age so you have no worry about what your kiddos will do to it! 
leather sofa

3. Your rugs! One of the most popular spaces for spills! Take advantage of those new outdoor rugs! Most of them are made from recycled plastic and can withstand spills! You dont have to fill your entire home up with them but think about the areas in your house that get a lot of use or are likely to be spill zones! 
outdoor rug

4. Install high shelving over your doorways so you know that they are out of reach of small hands! Also choose bold, deep wall colors! They can easily make your space have more still and hide the crayon drawings much easier!
high display shelving

5. Go for some wicker or rattan! It can take a beating and still look great! Wicker brings a simple chic French vibe to your house, which is very popular right now! Another good think about this type of furniture: Its usually has a fairly reasonable price tag! 
dining room budget redo after with white wainscoting, and wood and wicker furniture

6. Bring outdoor fabrics in! The world of outdoor fabric has improved so much! JoAnn Fabrics always has quite a selection! These fabrics are incredibly sturdy and still very appealing indoors! You can try them on dining chairs, cushions or for pillows on your sofa! 

7. Bring a sense of play into your house! If you have kids, make it their space too! Chalkboard walls are great for YOU to make lists on and great for THEM to doodle on! Think about ways you can use their art as decor! Especially in the kitchen and laundry room! 

8. When it comes to designing a nursery or kids room, choose grown up pieces!  Stay away from furniture aimed specifically toward kids! Real grown-up furniture is perfectly appropriate in a childs space and will last much longer! Add fun whimsy pillows and art to instead to make it a fun space!
Non-nursery Nursery nursery

9.  Some things kids cant hurt! Think of the these things: the ceilings, the lighting, and the colors! Paint your ceilings! Choose stylish light fixtures! And don't settle on boring colors!
Paint the ceiling!

I would love to hear more ideas that you have about creating a family home that balances the reality of kids with design! Feel free to comment below! 

Enjoy your Wednesday!